How to stop your dog from destroying furniture when you’re out

As dog parents, we love our doggos through the good, the bad and the muddy. But when they display disruptive behaviour like chewing up the furniture, it can be really challenging.

When dogs chew furniture, it’s usually a cry for help. Whether they are bored, lonely, anxious or something else, there are plenty of reasons for your dog’s bad behaviour. And the best part? It’s completely fixable.

While your furniture is probably already on its way out, there are plenty of things you can do to prevent it from happening again. To help you get started, the team at K9 Heaven have rounded up the best ways to stop your dog from destroying the furniture once and for all.

Daily Exercise

Daily Exercise

As a general rule of thumb, our doggos act out when they are feeling bored or have excess energy that they need to burn. As busy pet parents, it can be difficult to keep up with your dog’s energy levels.

Exercise is a great way to burn some of that energy and introduce your doggo to the great outdoors. Being out in nature has tons of benefits for our dogs including improved immunity and stress reduction. 

Try to get your dog out for a walk or run each and every morning. While it might be difficult to get up so early, it can dramatically improve your dog’s behaviour during the day. It also offers you the opportunity to bond with your pup before you head out the door.

Just like humans, regular exercise improves bone and muscular health. It is also great for your dog’s heart and will leave them feeling happier. Not only that, but it will improve your fitness too! Win win.

Send them to daycare

Send them to daycare

Who said daycare was just for kids? Doggy daycare is a growing trend and for good reason! Designed to keep your pup busy while you work, doggy daycare is an easy and effective way to reduce destructive behaviour.

At K9 Heaven, we offer free daily park runs where your pup can stretch their paws and explore our farmland, forests, and ponds. Muddy adventures are a regular occurrence and your doggo will never be bored again. 

Your pooch will also get the chance to make some new friends. At our Auckland doggy daycare, we’ll introduce them to dogs of the same size and temperament. Great for socialisation and improved behaviour, pack life will also boost your pal’s confidence and help combat anxiety.

On top of that, we offer nutritious meals and plenty of cuddles to make your pal feel at home.

Give them something to chew

Give them something to chew

To prevent further destruction while you’re out, surround your dog with toys and things to chew. This will keep them busy and stimulated while they’re at home alone.

The trick is to mix it up regularly and rotate the toys so that they don’t become too used to them. Chewing also boasts plenty of benefits from improved dental hygiene to overall wellbeing.

Setup a safe space

Setup a safe space

If your dog can’t keep their paws off the sofa, it’s time to set some boundaries. When your dog is at home all day, stressors can put them on edge and trigger destructive behaviour.

A safe space is a confined area where your dog has no access to your furniture. It can be a large playpen, fenced area or an empty room. Fill it up with your pup’s favourite toys to keep it fun.

A safe space that they’re familiar with can calm your dog’s nerves and put them at ease. When your dog is feeling relaxed, they are less likely to act out.

Make the space cosy with their favourite bedding, just in case they want to nap. Not only will you notice a difference in your dog’s temperament, but you should also notice a difference in the state of your home.

Work on their anxiety

Work on their anxiety

From panting to shaking, anxiety is hugely common in dogs. It’s also one of the main reasons for destructive behaviour like chewing and scratching furniture. Your dog might also struggle to follow simple commands like “sit” and “down! If your pup suffers from anxiety, there are plenty of things you can do to help.

Doggy daycare is a great option for dogs with anxiety, especially if they are feeling sad or lonely while you’re out. At K9 Heaven, we know exactly how to handle dogs with anxiety and offer a cosy environment with 10 acres of outdoor space, free park runs and a loving team of experienced humans.

Beyond daycare, there are plenty of things you can do at home to help make your dog feel settled. Physical contact and regular exercise are fantastic ways to reduce anxiety in dogs, which means plenty of cuddles and belly rubs. Other things worth exploring include music therapy and massage.

Gone are the days where you return home from work to find that your dog has torn up the furniture once more. By using the steps above you can combat destructive bahviour and help your pup to feel happier and more relaxed.

At K9 Heaven, we’ll work with you and your pup to identify key stressors and find solutions. Our Auckland doggy daycare offers your dog the chance to burn some energy and get those paws muddy.